FOUNDED IN 2019...
After having participated in many Track Days, Falk (the Founder of GP Days) had the feeling, that some things could be done differently. Or more importantly - better!
Track Days are supposed to be nothing but fun, a possibility to meet like-minded people (i.e. petrolheads), something to remember and most important of all: accessible for everyone who enjoys motorsports.
Together with his wife Leyla, he developed the idea of GP Days, a truly digital and affordable Track Day experience focused only on what true enthusiasts really need - Quality Track Time!
GP Days was born.
GP Days isn't just about the best Track Day experience at low prices. The entire Team strives to build a platform to connect enthusiasts from all over Europe and create a true motorsports family.
To make each Track Day special, our participants will receive pictures from each of our Track Days free of charge, a quick-to-reply support as well as a friendly and warm atmosphere during all our events.
The GP Days approach is characterised by the objective to use digital tools to level-up the experience and make all administrative steps as easy as possible for our participants.

On top of connecting enthusiasts from all over Europe, GP Days also wants to give participants the chance to get to know a selection of relevant brands during our Track Days.
Equally, we want to enable our partners to use our platform to present meaningful products and use conversations with the GP Days Community to find out what the community really needs.
Over the last seasons, we have worked with several OEMs and after-market suppliers relevant to the Track Day space.
We cannot wait for what's to come!

Wants to change your Track Day experience for the better! But most importantly, he wants to make the greatest hobby on earth accessible for more people!

Leyla makes sure that the organisation of all our Track Days is spot-on and manages the majority of the day-to-day operations at GP Days including our support!

Being the undisputed master of photography, Dennis makes sure you'll receive the best Track Day pictures you've ever seen!