Ciao for Now
Hi Everyone!

After more than 5 years of organising almost 50 Track Days, Leyla and I have decided that our GP Days journey has come to an end. Over time, GP has grown to something much more than we have ever expected when setting up our little passion project in early 2019. So much so that writing this message to all of you now almost seems surreal.
It has been an absolutely amazing ride and we are incredibly grateful for having been able to meet so many like-minded people, fellow petrolheads and of course, friends.
Without all of you, we would have never been able to build this little community. You gave us the confidence and courage to keep on adding new dates and tracks to our calendar and the drive and motivation to organise the best possible Track Days for you.

While GP Days always remained driven by passion, it has consumed a significant amount of our time outside of my regular work, often leading to very late nights and weekends in the office. Juggling the different projects, private as well as family life has become increasingly challenging the bigger GP Days grew.
At the same time, Leyla and I always wanted to make sure that we could quickly deal with the thousands of requests we received each year, answer your questions and be there in case you needed support. As you may have noticed from time to time, our response time has increased during certain periods with signalled us, that we reached the limit of what we could do with the GP Days setup.

As a GP Days community, we achieved a lot. Starting at Circuit Mettet to then adding the big ones like Spa Francorchamps and Zandvoort in 2023 and 2024. A dream come true that we would not have been able to fulfil without all of you giving us the confidence to do so.
A massive Thank You to all of the participants that supported our journey!
A very special thank you goes out to Dennis, who has been an invaluable part to the GP Days journey. He joined us as a friend and participant during our first Track Day in 2019 and became a full-on team member in 2020, shooting all - except for two -events since then.
Having met Dennis at the start of my Track Day journey 14 years ago, him joining us was a true full-circle moment.
Regardless of the conditions - be it rain, storm, hail, thunder and whatnot - he roamed the track and paddock to create unforgettable memories for all of our participants.
Thank you!

We will keep our Homepage, WhatsApp Group and other channels alive, as we would love to stay in touch and keep on expanding the Track Day Community. As we will of course keep on participating in other Track Days, I am sure and hope that we will see many of you on track during the 2025 season!
Once again we would like to thank all of you from the bottom of our hearts for your support, trust and epic memories we created together.

Without you, GP Days would not have been possible.
See you soon!
Leyla & Falk